We exist to awaken this generation to new life in Jesus Christ.
We’re so glad you’re here! If you’re new to Awakening, we would love to get to know you and for you to get to know us! The best way to do that is by filling out a Connection Card.

Local Impact
It’s time for our annual backpack drive to bless Del Mar High School Students! We will be collecting backpacks until the end of August. Please bring your filled backpack on Sundays and turn it in to the Connection Cart! If you are unable to bring it on Sundays and need a way to turn your backpack in during the week, please email [email protected].

Join our 2023-2024 Cohort!
Do words like “leadership” or “calling” excite you or make you curious? Have you wanted to grow in your discipleship and pursue your faith in a deeper way? Well, then Protege is for YOU!
Protege is a nine-month discipleship experience where you will be mentored, taught, encouraged, and challenged to grow in your leadership abilities and connection with God. Fill out an application today or email [email protected] for any questions you may have!

Connect Track | Step 1
Awakening’s Connect Track is your pathway to community! Half Hour Hang is a monthly space created to introduce you to who we are and for those who are new to get to know one another and build community. This high level overview is your first step to get to know us and plug into Awakening’s culture! Join us this Sunday, in between services!

Summer Studies
As part of our Summer At Awakening we are excited to be offering these summer studies as a way for you to grow deeper in your knowledge of God’s Word & faith. These studies are lead by thought-provoking guest lecturers and will be offered in July and August.
Don’t miss our final Summer Study with Jay Kim this Sunday at 7pm. He will be teaching on Discipleship + Formation in the Digital Age, you don’t want to miss it!

Serve With Us
Interested in taking a next step in your leadership at Awakening? We are currently praying for and in search of some new midweek group leaders as we resume groups this fall. If you have been a part of an Awakening group in the past and would like to foster community and serve in this capacity, please click the button below for more information or email our Discipleship Pastor at [email protected]!

Want to know more about Baptism?
This class is for any adult or child who has never been baptized, would like to learn more about baptism, or those who were baptized as a baby and would like to make a commitment now that they are an adult. Even if you previously walked away from faith for a time and would like to recommit your life to Christ – this class is for you!
Join us next Sunday, August 27th, in Room 29 for this one hour class. We will look through scripture, get your questions answered, and let you know what the next steps are to taking this big step in your walk of faith.
Kids Class: 9:30AM (parent must attend with their child!)
Adults Class: 11:15AM
Awakening will be doing baptisms in-service on our birthday, Sunday, September 10th!

Calling all College Students
We want to hang out with you! Here are some ways you can get plugged into our the College Ministry:
1. Donuts & Drive | As the SJSU semester begins, we will have rides from campus to Awakening and donuts to eat on the way! We will be there to meet you at the Olympic Statues at 10:45am.
2. Join us every Sunday after church at 1pm to hang out and enjoy some Teaspoon in the Pruneyard!
3. Want to stay updated on all we have planned for college students? Join the Awakening College Groupme below!

Wednesday, September 6th from 7-8:30pm
We will be having a Leadership advance on 9/6 in the Del Mar Theater! This is an opportunity for anyone who calls Awakening “home” to join us and hear from our Lead Pastor, Ryan Ingram, who will be just coming off of sabbatical. Ryan will be sharing from his heart where God is leading Awakening this Fall, along with some key updates on how God has been moving throughout the summer.
This will simply be a time to hear from Ryan with no food or team breakouts. We ask that all parents coordinate their own childcare to enable all kids leaders to attend (childcare will not be provided at this Leadership Advance).

Awakening turns 11
Join us for our 11th birthday celebration as we focus on the “House of Mercy” from John 5. We are not only people who have richly experienced God’s mercies, but we are also commissioned to be used by Him in extending these mercies to a world so desperate for them. We gather to remind ourselves that Awakening is His house and not ours.
Our birthday service will be on September 10th with one service at 10am. After service we will celebrate baptisms together, enjoy a meal, and engage in all the birthday fun! There will be a party in kids ministry (babies-5th grade) with fun kids activities including bounce houses, face painting and more!

Food Pantry | Every 1st & 3rd Thursday
As a church, we have a partnership with CityTeam and Del Mar High School to bring a mobile food pantry to our community in San Jose! This happens every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month from 3pm-5pm. We encourage you to sign up today as we are always in need of more volunteers!
A Note from Dave
Awakening Family,
Jesus said in Matthew 18:5, “Whoever welcomes a little child like this in my name welcomes me.” In a mysterious way, Jesus is declaring that when children are present, so is He. Therefore, when the kids and students at Awakening are playing on the bounce houses, chattering in the middle of worship, or laughing in the background of our gatherings, it is an encounter with Jesus.
Awakening, thank you for being a church that not only celebrates the birth of Robby and Britta Browne’s twin girls, but for also thanking God for the children we have the opportunity to worship and grow with every Sunday. For as we are a church made up of college students, young professionals, newly marrieds, and empty nesters, we must never forget these small treasures in our midst.
Several months ago, our Family Pastor, Ashley Pansoy, who oversees our kids and youth ministries, preached a Sunday sermon with this key takeaway: The presence of children provides us with a foretaste of God’s coming kingdom.
In other words, children are not only an extension of the parents in our church, but they are also an extension of Jesus and his kingdom, reminding us that we all come to the Father with a childlike and surrendered faith.
Every church, including ours, is a “sent community” into the world. Whether we are scattered or gathered, Jesus has commissioned us to be a public witness. When we gather, we are to be a witness of our unity in the midst of diversity. We are to be witness of our devotion and surrender to our Creator. And we are to be a witness of our celebration and value of children.
As we assemble this Sunday to learn from Jay Kim, may we also seek to learn what lessons God is also teaching us from the children in our presence.
Serving with you,
Awakening Service Times:
9:30am & 11:15am at Del Mar High School
Awakening College & Young Adults Ministry:
Sunday Hang | in between services in the Quad & 1pm at Teaspoon in the Pruneyard
Awakening Youth Ministry:
Junior High | 11:15AM in the Library
High School | 11:15AM in Service (front right section)
Awakening Kids Ministry:
Newborn-5th Grade | Both services (9:30AM & 11:15AM)
Weekly Giving
Weekly Income
8/7/23 – 8/13/23
Budgeted | $45,548
Received | $22,554
7/1/23 – Fiscal YTD
Budgeted | $286,301
Received | $215,724
or text the amount to “84321”