We exist to awaken this generation to new life in Jesus Christ.
We’re so glad you’re here! If you’re new to Awakening, we would love to get to know you and for you to get to know us! The best way to do that is by filling out a Connection Card.
We will NOT be meeting in the cafeteria this Sunday due to continued remodeling. We are planning to meet in the THEATER again this Sunday but will have another update later this week once it’s confirmed, thank you for your patience and flexibility!
Dear Awakening Church,
I’m incredibly grateful for God’s powerful movement throughout our summer teaching series. Every teacher and beatitude continue to provide deep challenge and transformation for our hearts and community.
And while we have experienced new levels of growth and impact during this summer season, we have also felt the bittersweet goodbyes of Christina Papoulias and Naseem Khalili. Though God is leading them to new, kingdom assignments, their transitions are a significant loss for our team and congregation.
Whenever we experience a staff transition, no matter how difficult, it reminds us God’s in charge and this is His church. Therefore, we experience his care and provision during both the necessary endings and the new beginnings.
So, as we will be celebrating and thanking Naseem this Sunday for her strong and faithful pastoring at Awakening, this month we are also excited to be advancing the roles of several staff members:
Cassie Vanover will transition from Executive Administrator to our Operations Director, giving oversight to all of Awakening’s office and campus operations. Cassie joined our staff last year, immediately demonstrating high-capacity leadership and administration, now transitioning into her new role with the full affirmation of the team.
Sarina Gregersen will shift from her part-time role as Communications/Marketing Admin, to our full-time, Communications and Connections Director. Sarina’s experience in marketing and management systems will allow us to continue to enhance not only how we extend our reach into the community, but also how we intentionally move newcomers towards deep connection and impact.
Rolan Jimenez will transition from his part-time role as Youth Pastor, to our full-time, Discipleship Pastor, giving oversight to small groups, Protégé, and biblical training. Over the years, Rolan’s impact on our youth has been evident throughout Awakening. We are now excited to see how God continues to use him to transform our entire church through his gifting in leadership, teaching, and shepherding.
Molly Crofoot, will expand her role and assume sole oversight of Awakening’s youth ministry as our Youth Director. Molly has proven herself as a highly effective leader and teacher, soon to be placed on a certification track for official, pastoral licensing. Molly is a true gift to the community, and we are eager to increase her influence over our students and volunteers.
Bailey Lawrence, will join the team as our new, part-time Executive Administrator, giving needed operational and tactical support to our ministries. As a recent Protege graduate, Bailey comes with exceptional administrative and managerial experience, bringing a new energy and vision to our staff culture.
While these forward steps in staffing were conducted in coordination with our Lead Pastor, Ryan Ingram, it is a testament to God’s continued provision and growth for his bride.
Thank you for your ongoing ownership in the mission God has placed on Awakening. As we approach our 11th birthday in September, we are excited to see how God continues to use us in his redemptive and restorative purposes.
Serving you,
Dave Smith
Executive Pastor

Join our 2023-2024 Cohort!
Do words like “leadership” or “calling” excite you or make you curious? Have you wanted to grow in your discipleship and pursue your faith in a deeper way? Well, then Protege is for YOU!
Protege is a nine-month discipleship experience where you will be mentored, taught, encouraged, and challenged to grow in your leadership abilities and connection with God. Fill out an application today or email [email protected] for any questions you may have!

Summer Studies
As part of our Summer At Awakening we are excited to be offering these summer studies as a way for you to grow deeper in your knowledge of God’s Word & faith. These studies are lead by thought-provoking guest lecturers and will be offered in July and August.
Don’t miss our final Summer Study with Jay Kim on August 20th. He will be teaching on Discipleship + Formation in the Digital Age, you don’t want to miss it!

Calling all College Students!
We want to hang out with you! Join your fellow college students every Sunday at 1pm to hang out and enjoy some Teaspoon in the Pruneyard.
Want to stay updated on all we have planned for college students this summer? Join the Awakening College groupme below!

Welcome to the study of Matthew! Each day will focus on a passage of Scripture from the Gospel of Matthew. For the full experience, we invite you to read the daily reading before reading the First 5 teaching for that day.

Food Pantry | Every 1st & 3rd Thursday
As a church, we have a partnership with CityTeam and Del Mar High School to bring a mobile food pantry to our community in San Jose! This happens every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month from 3pm-5pm. We encourage you to sign up today as we are always in need of more volunteers!
Awakening Service Times:
9:30am & 11:15am at Del Mar High School
Awakening College & Young Adults Ministry:
Worship Nights | Saturdays at 6:30pm
Sunday Hang | in between services in the Quad & 1pm at Teaspoon in the Pruneyard
Awakening Youth Ministry:
Junior High | 11:15AM in the Library
High School | 11:15AM in Service (front right section)
Awakening Kids Ministry:
Newborn-5th Grade | Both services (9:30AM & 11:15AM)
Weekly Giving
Weekly Income
7/17/23 – 7/23/23
Budgeted | $45,548
Received | $52,523
7/1/23 – Fiscal YTD
Budgeted | $149,658
Received | $125,545
or text the amount to “84321”