We exist to awaken this generation to new life in Jesus Christ.
We’re so glad you’re here! If you’re new to Awakening, we would love to get to know you and for you to get to know us! The best way to do that is by filling out a Connection Card.

Controversial Jesus | Part 1: Jesus & Politics
In the age of consumer reviews and social media shaming, there is a tendency to confine to the mold of society’s expectation of us. And yet Jesus offers a vision of human flourishing that stands at odds with the cultural value system of our day. We tend to forget that His teaching was as radical and controversial in His day as it is in ours.
Join us as we go through Matthew 5:17-37 and look at what Jesus says about some of today’s most controversial issues and what it means to follow Jesus.

Behind the connection cart you will find a hub for people who are new to Awakening. This is a space we encourage you to point new people as well as your own guests to. At the white balloons there will be treats & gifts, staff members & connection team members excited to welcome and get to know those who are new to our community!

Connect Track | Step 2 & 3 Hybrid
Awakening’s Connect Track is your pathway to community! Step 2: Our Intro classes are where we get to share more about our story and hear yours. This course gives you the opportunity to start serving with us by joining a ministry. Step 3: Start Up is the final step to get involved at Awakening and get plugged into a midweek group.
This Sunday, September 17th & 24th at 1pm in the Teachers Lounge (to the right of the Library) we will be having a HYBRID of these 2 steps over the duration of a 2-week class. Early childcare will also be offered (birth – 5th grade)!
*Registration required for childcare by tomorrow, Wednesday, 9/13.

God of Creation
Join the women of Awakening this Fall for a 11-week study on Genesis 1-11 using Jen Wilkin’s study “God of Creation.” The aim of this study is to learn how to comprehend, interpret, and apply scripture so that we may discover what the Bible says about God, His character, and attributes and as a result understand who we are as ones created in His image.
This study is open to women of all ages and stages of life. There will be 2 groups meeting at different times with one starting this Saturday 9/16 at 9:30am and the other starting on Tuesday 9/19 at 7pm. There are limited spots available so sign up today!

Gospel Training 101 for College Students
As Jesus’ followers we are given the encouragement to “GO out and make disciples.” But it can be really intimidating to know how to share the gospel with our friends and family in a way that isn’t awkward, right? In this short training seminar, Carolyn Rosales (Cru Team Leader for Silicon Valley), will be teaching us how to share the Good News of Jesus in a clear and concise way through intentional 1:1 interactions.
*Lunch provided, 1pm at the Awakening Offices THIS Sunday, 9/17

40 Days of Prayer
For the next 40 days, we will reflect on scripture and pray. We will be reminded of Jesus’s radical love for the outsider. We will be challenged to activate our lives around his purposes. To be his voice of redemption. To be his hands and feet of restoration, asking God to use us in his transformation of the Bay.
Our hope is that this 40 day journey will change us from the inside out. To first start with the transformation and surrender of our own hearts, spilling out into our community as we act as agents of God’s mercies in a world desperate for beauty, love, and the abundant life that only Jesus can provide.
We will be starting or 40 Days of Prayer together as a church on Monday, September 18th!
Click below to join us in 40 Days of Prayer or pick up a 40 Days of Prayer book on Sunday at the Connection Cart!

The Forge Men’s Group
Based on Proverbs 27:17, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another,” The Forge is for men who want to band together for challenge and support in their spiritual growth and calling.
As the foundations of The Forge are focused on scripture, prayer, accountability and encouragement, for this Fall’s 10-week session, we will journey through Patrick Morley’s, The Man in the Mirror. This classic book provides a biblical perspective on the 24 common problems men face within their identity, relationships, finances, time, temperament, and integrity.
This study is open to men of all ages and stages of life. This group will be starting on Tuesday 10/3 at 7pm. There are limited spots available so sign up today!

Serve With Us
Interested in taking a next step in your leadership at Awakening? We are currently praying for and in search of some new midweek group leaders as we resume groups this fall. If you have been a part of an Awakening group in the past and would like to foster community and serve in this capacity, please click the button below for more information or email our Discipleship Pastor at [email protected]!

Calling all College Students
We want to hang out with you! Here are some ways you can get plugged into our the College Ministry:
1. Donuts & Drive | Need a ride to church? Meet us at 10:45am! SJSU students at the 7th street fountain and SCU students at the Bronco Statue.
2. College Kickback | Come hang out with us between services in the quad.
3. Join us every Sunday after church at 1pm to hang out and enjoy some Teaspoon in the Pruneyard!
4. Want to stay updated on all we have planned for college students? Join the Awakening College Groupme below!

There are so many way to serve at Awakening, click below for details on how to get involved!

Food Pantry | Every 1st & 3rd Thursday
As a church, we have a partnership with CityTeam and Del Mar High School to bring a mobile food pantry to our community in San Jose! This happens every 1st & 3rd Thursday of the month from 3pm-5pm. We encourage you to sign up today as we are always in need of more volunteers!
Awakening Service Times:
9:30am & 11:15am at Del Mar High School
Awakening College & Young Adults Ministry:
Sunday Hang | in between services in the Quad & 1pm at Teaspoon in the Pruneyard
Awakening Youth Ministry:
Junior High | 11:15AM in the Library
High School | 11:15AM in Service (front right section)
Awakening Kids Ministry:
Newborn-5th Grade | Both services (9:30AM & 11:15AM)
Weekly Giving
Weekly Income
9/4/23 – 9/10/23
Budgeted | $45,548
Received | $25,944
7/1/23 – Fiscal YTD
Budgeted | $468,493
Received | $335,426
or text the amount to “84321”