Posts by: Jay Kim


Speechlessness has sadly become a lost art.  In our Twitter-world, surrounded by blogging celebrities and the Insta-famous, critique and commentary have become the lingo of choice.  The moment anyone says anything, everyone has everything to say back.  Rarely do we allow life to leave us astounded to the point of wordless wonder anymore.  In short,… Read more »

Joy. Prayer. Gratitude.

I don’t know when or how it happened, but somewhere along the way, I managed to hijack and reconstruct the whole give us this day our daily bread part of the prayer the Lord taught us to pray.  I made it about me – my hopes, my dreams, my ambitions.  But really, it’s always been… Read more »

Our Sister Christina

On May 23, 2013, the Awakening community lost our dear friend and sister Christina C. Tang.  While we grieve with her husband and our brother Kirk, as well as Christina’s family and friends, we are reminded that death is not the end.  Christina’s love for Jesus carried her far beyond the grave and into a… Read more »

Women at Awakening

Women at Awakening, we have a number of events planned to help get you connected here! July 22       Dinner | 7pm-9pm @ Papoulias home July 28       Hike | 9am – Meet @ Del Mar High School August 19  Dinner | 7pm-9pm @ Grazian home August 25  Hike | 9am – Meet… Read more »

Why Curious?

Since Easter, the Awakening community has been on a journey called Curious.  In these few weeks, we’ve attempted to engage some of the more difficult questions our faith poses: Do dead people come back to life?  Is the Bible worth my trust?  What’s really true about heaven and hell?  Does God actually care about all… Read more »

Resurrection, Restoration, Return

They say, “Our bones are dried up and our hope is gone; we are cut off.”  Therefore prophesy and say to them: “This is what the Sovereign Lord says: O my people, I am going to open your graves and bring you up from them; I will bring you back to the land of Israel…. Read more »

Lent 2013 {part 3}

LENT (Feb.13-Mar.30, 2013) marks the six weeks leading up to Easter.  It is a season of solemn remembrance, an opportunity to re-center our hearts on that which matters most – the victory won for us by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. When: Three days leading up to Mar.26, 27 or 28 {part 3} Fast during… Read more »

Lent 2013 {part 2}

LENT (Feb.13-Mar.30, 2013) marks the six weeks leading up to Easter.  It is a season of solemn remembrance, an opportunity to re-center our hearts on that which matters most – the victory won for us by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  As a community, we will celebrating and observing Lent together in three parts. When:… Read more »

Dreaming Wide Awake: Leadership Video

This video is for leaders and those interested in leadership.   Nehemiah chapters 2-3 provide us some great insight on key leadership principles.  We explore a few of them in this leadership video.


STEREO [FEB-MAR 2013] Gospel simply means Good News.  We are on the planet to share the Good News of the Gospel with the world but we often find ourselves struggling to communicate it in dynamic and engaging ways.  Most of us feel unprepared, ill-equipped, and flat out scared about doing so.  But the world is… Read more »

Lent 2013 {part 1}

LENT (Feb.13-Mar.30, 2013) marks the six weeks leading up to Easter.  It is a season of solemn remembrance, an opportunity to re-center our hearts on that which matters most – the victory won for us by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ.  As a community, we will celebrating and observing Lent together in three parts. When:… Read more »

The Church, The Bride

I have had a lifelong relationship with the Church. It hasn’t always been good. We’ve shared countless ups and downs but after all that we’ve been through, I am grateful to be able to say that I still love her deeply. I have learned over the years that love for the Church, like love for… Read more »