We exist to awaken this generation to new life in Jesus Christ.
We’re so glad you’re here! If you’re new to Awakening, we would love to get to know you and for you to get to know us! The best way to do that is by filling out a Connection Card.
We would love for you to get connected and be a part of what is happening in our church! On our Special Events page, you will find information on our Del Mar Food Pantry, Summer Studies, and more! Click below to see our regularly updated special events and ministry calendars.

Life is busy, isn’t it? There is so much to do and so little time. There are so many things we intend to do and want to do but never get around to doing them. The urgent has our full attention, and important things take a back seat. And over time, little by little, the love that started out as a blazing fire has all but gone out. How do you rekindle the passion in your marriage when you feel like the love has died out? Join us as we take a look at the specific things you can’t afford to put off in order to have a flourishing marriage.
Weekly Giving
Weekly Income
6/10/24 – 6/16/24
Budgeted | $45,548
Received | $38,972
7/1/23 – Fiscal YTD
Budgeted | $2,290,411
Received | $1,917,517
or text the amount to “84321”