We exist to awaken this generation to new life in Jesus Christ.

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What you build with matters. The quality of the materials has a direct impact on both the beauty and the longevity of what you are building.  A beautiful marriage that withstands the test of time requires quality building materials. All too often, couples invest significant money, time, and energy into their wedding day but invest very little in their marriage. As a result, we tend to have beautiful weddings but not too many beautiful marriages. Join us for part 2 of Marriage Material as we look at the essential materials to build a great marriage.

Weekly Giving

Weekly Income
5/27/24 – 6/2/24
Budgeted | $45,548
Received | $76,168

7/1/23 – Fiscal YTD
Budgeted | $2,199,315
Received | $1,817,629

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