Teaching ▹ Groups Resources ▹ Talking About God
Mid Spring 2021 Group Curriculum
Why and how can we share the faith we have?
Telling someone you are a Christian can lead to a very different kind of conversation. Some of us are more comfortable than others with this, but we can safely say that the subject of God, faith, and spirituality gets trickier when you make it clear you have specific beliefs about those things. If you say you are a Christian, often the relationship or conversation will change.
But at the same time, we naturally talk about things that are important to us, and we do not hesitate to recommend a movie or TV show or podcast we love. So, what is it about God that makes him so difficult to talk about?
Often, we are worried about either coming across too brash and proud or too weak and uninformed. It’s common for Christians to feel anxious about coming off as judgmental just as much as we’re afraid of coming across too wishy-washy. What we need is both humility and confidence when talking about God.
This curriculum’s goal is to help us develop a humble confidence in presenting Jesus to our friends. We will make sure we know what the message is (the gospel) and who we are because of it before we go anywhere. We will also look carefully at what the Bible says (and what it doesn’t say) about how we should talk about God. The goal of this content is to help, not to shame or guilt. We want to inspire, support, and serve you as we talk about God with the world.
Week 1 – Definition: what are we talking about?
Icebreaker (before anything else):
- How would you define “the gospel?”
- On a scale of 1-10, how confident are you when you share about Jesus with someone?
Watch: The Bible Project, “Gospel”
Read: 1 Corinthians 15:1-14
- What aspects of the Christian faith do you struggle most with communicating to other people?
- After reading these verses and watching the video, how would you define “the gospel?”
Exercise: Four key words to remember when sharing the gospel
- CREATION: God created all human beings. He knows their purpose and has designed them for good, not evil.
- FALL: Human beings rejected and continue to reject the wisdom of God and the grace he gives to us when we fall away. We consistently believe our way is best and we can figure out how to live a fulfilling life without our own selfishness and pride (sin).
- JESUS: Jesus Christ is God in human flesh, who came to earth to live the life we could never live and to die the death we were headed for. He took our place, and because of him, we now know God’s purposes for us all the more clearly, and are given a way to God that is not through our own work, but his.
- GRACE: Because our life is now in Jesus Christ, we no longer have to prove ourselves to anyone—not even God. We now live under the generosity of God, because we have tied our life to Jesus’. Now, when God looks at us, he sees Jesus’ life before ours. We are given a life we did not deserve and can live confidently out of that new identity.
Closing thought:
The gospel is likened to a diamond: it is simply beautiful and good and valuable. When you see it, you know it, and you are struck with its beauty. It’s that simple. At the same time, diamonds can be taken under a microscope to see their intricacies and glory. One can turn a diamond round and round to see different angles of its splendor. It’s quite complex. The gospel of Jesus is like this: it’s both simple and complex. We see through the passages of Scripture that the “good news” is simply Jesus—his life, death, and resurrection. But we also see its complexity: from Jesus’ gospel comes the whole of our faith—everything depends on it! The Christian faith is about exploring the simplicity and complexity of the gospel, turning the diamond over and over again. This should encourage us to know that we are never “done” with the gospel, nor have we mastered it. It also can encourage us to share it very simply: Jesus is good. Sharing Jesus is sharing his goodness. We need not start with the complexities, but simply begin with the fact that what we’re looking at is beautiful, good, and valuable.
Write down your definition of “the gospel of Jesus” or “the good news about Jesus.” Share this with your group next week.
Week 2 – Purpose: why do we talk about God?
Icebreaker (before anything else):
When you have shared about your faith with someone, what was your reason or motive?
Watch: The Bible Project, “The Gospel of the Kingdom”
One reason we share Jesus: to continue Jesus’ message. We share what he shared.
Read: Colossians 1:24-29
- Looking at the Colossians verse in particular, what motives did Paul have for sharing Jesus?
- What do you think Paul means by “filling up what is lacking” (v. 24)?
Another reason we share Jesus: to obey Jesus’ command. We share because he told us to.
Read: Matthew 10:5-15
- This is not the only place Jesus commanded his disciples to share his message, but what strikes you about what he commands in this particular passage? How can you relate his commands to you today?
- Jesus forecasts that we will most likely be rejected. How do his words help you? How do you interpret them?
Another reason we share Jesus: to join Jesus’ heart for all people. We share because his love compels us to.
Read: Romans 8:37-9:5
- What is the heart of God as you see it in this passage? How does Paul join in on that heart for others?
- In what ways do you need your heart to grow for those who do not know Jesus?
- Why do you think it is best for anyone to know Jesus? What’s at stake in your mind?
Write down your personal reason why you desire to share Jesus with those that you know. Be prepared to share it with the group next week.
Week 3 – Posture: how do we talk about God?
Icebreaker (before anything else): What are some postures you’ve seen people take when talking about God? In what manner do people share God? Share both positive and negatives.
Watch: Jackie Hill Perry and Jen Pollock on evangelism
POSTURE #1: GENTLENESS – we do not share with aggression
Read: 1 Peter 3:13-17
- What does it mean to share the gospel with “gentleness?”
- What are some common points of offense you’ve found when you talk about Jesus? Put another way, what is it about Christianity that can be offensive to those you’re sharing with?
POSTURE #2: RESPECT – we earn the right to be heard
Read: 1 Peter 2:12-17
- How do you show someone respect when you share the gospel with them?
- How do you go about “earning the right to be heard?”
POSTURE #3: BOLDNESS – we share when we’re scared
Read: Romans 1:16-17
- What holds you back from sharing the gospel?
- How do you summon boldness when sharing?
Application: Which of these three postures do you struggle with the most? How can your group pray for you in that particular area?
Week 4 – Audience: who do we talk to about God?
Icebreaker (before anything else):
- Who shared Jesus’ message with you first? Who else shared Jesus with you later in life that brought you closer to him?
Watch: Joshua Ryan Butler, “How Evangelism Works in a Post-Christian Culture”
RELATIONSHIP #1: NEIGHBOR – who is next door?
Read: Matthew 22:36-40
- Who lives next door to you? How much do you know or not know about them?
- How have you shown love to those who live near you?
- How have you or how can you share Jesus with them?
RELATIONSHIP #2: CO-WORKERS – who do you see every day?
Read: Matthew 5:13-16
- Who are your closer friendships at work? Tell us about your coworkers.
- How have you or how can you share the gospel with your coworkers?
POSTURE #3: “THE ONE” – who are you praying for?
Read: No Scripture, but reflect on the story of the woman at the well that Josh Butler refers to in the video above (John 4).
Discuss: Who is “the one” who you can start praying for to share Jesus with?
- Who will you be sharing Jesus with next?
- Can your group host a “Life Night” (or something to that effect) where everyone invites one non-Christian friend for a comfortable, hospitable night of discussing life’s important questions?
Week 5 – Results: what happens next?
Icebreaker (before anything else):
- Have you ever watched someone come to Jesus? What did that feel like?
- Have you ever been rejected by someone you shared the gospel with? What was that like?
RESULT #1: ACCEPTANCE – people say, “I’m in”
Read: Acts 17:10-15
Discuss: What are the key marks of a person who has accepted Jesus? What do they begin doing?
RESULT #2: DENIAL – people say, “I’m out”
Read: 2 Timothy 4:1-5
Discuss: What are the key marks of a person who has denied Jesus? What do they begin doing? What do they say?
RESULT #3: APATHY – People say, “I don’t care”
Read: Acts 17:32-34
Discuss: What are the key marks of a person who is apathetic to the message of Jesus? What do they begin doing? What do they say?
Application: Pray that the Lord would grant you the strength to endure whatever results may come with sharing the gospel