Group Curriculum

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This group curriculum will be a supportive companion to the teaching series Foundations.

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This midweek group curriculum will be a supportive companion to the teaching series Love Local.

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This midweek group curriculum will be a supportive companion to the teaching series Hello, Life.

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Join us in this small group curriculum as we learn from Jesus how to experience peace in an age of anxiety.  The following is meant to continue the conversations started during the Sunday sermon. 

This midweek group curriculum will be a supportive companion to the teaching series The Name.

This midweek group curriculum will be a supportive companion to the teaching series Life is More.

This midweek group curriculum is a supportive companion of the teaching series, Controversial Jesus.

This midweek group curriculum is a supportive companion of the teaching series, Prodigal.

As we continue our year of Jesus at Awakening Church, or next series will take us through the 7 “I AM Statements” of Jesus in the Gospel of John. 

This midweek group curriculum will be a supportive companion to the teaching series.

What if the secret to the life you always wanted wasn’t found in trying harder but trying softer? 

This midweek group curriculum will be a supportive companion to the teaching series, exploring new aspects of what it means to try softer in our faith and life.

Advent season has begun, which means we all have the opportunity to join Christians from all over the world and reflect on the beauty, depth, and truth of Jesus’ arrival on earth.

Dive into our current 2022 Spring group curriculum of seven sessions tracing the good news through the whole bible.

What is the good life? The Bible has more to say about this than you might think. Throughout all of Scripture, the pursuit of “wisdom” is linked to the concept of living a good life: to be wise is to live well. These 10 sessions walk through what wisdom means in the Bible and how the theme of a wise life shows up throughout the Old and New Testaments. 

We may be in a strange time right now with COVID-19, but I believe God is ready to let his good news expand like never before. And you and I get to be a part of this historic moment.

On Sundays, we are preaching through a series called “Relational Intelligence,” where we are seeking the truth God gives us in Scripture to form relationships well. Often this is counter-intuitive to modern people, but this wisdom is essential for living a good life. These discussion guides are meant to work in concert with the sermon series.

The book of Daniel is both a story and a vision. The first six chapters deal with the life of a young man and his friends navigating life as exiles in a foreign land. Israel has been taken captive by Babylon, but God has not abandoned his people. Daniel, an Israelite exile, walks faithfully through the oppression of an evil empire. This book teaches us that while things at present may seem out of control, God is on the throne. No matter the situation we are in, we can always be faithful to the God who is on the throne. This study covers the first six chapters of Daniel and works in partnership with The Bible Project.

Check this folder for small group lessons that are not connected to any series or theme. We will update this randomly with discussion guides to various Biblical topics. This is perfect for your group when you are in “in-between” time, looking for something to study without having to commit to multiple sessions. We’ll update this often so check back regularly!

Walking through the greatest sermon ever given, these seven studies provide readings and discussion questions connected to Matthew 5-7. Dive deeply into the Sermon on the Mount to learn the essential teachings of Jesus Christ.

Near the end of his first letter to the church in Corinth, Paul wrote to them, “I want to remind you brothers…of the gospel…which is of first importance” (1 Corinthians 15:1-3). This good news that Jesus has come and fulfilled the promises of God, seemed to drive the early church and seems to continue to bring power to the poorest and weakest people. What is it about this gospel? Why is it so important? This study helps us see the gospel not as a set of doctrines, but as a story that is being unfolded and told to us through the entire Bible, from Genesis to Revelation.

Following six key moments in Jesus’ life, each of these sessions include a scripture reading, questions for discussion, and a guide towards prayer. Taken from all over all four gospels, this quick study allows you to get the over-arching picture of the life of Jesus.