leading the way
in unleashing extravagant generosity
*Give instantly or schedule a recurring gift.
Why Give?
We believe that the Church should lead the way in unleashing extravagant generosity to a hurting and broken world because we have an extravagantly generous God.
As a community, we take joy in the ways our faith grows and gets stronger through giving together.
This includes sharing the love of God in tangible ways in our city and bringing measurable change to places in need, both locally and globally.
In answering the call to live generously, we invite God to shape us into a people who live by faith, are known by love, and strive to be a voice of hope to those around us.
Your generosity in giving to Awakening Church provides an opportunity for us to partner together in our mission to awaken this generation to new life in Christ.
What is Tithing?
The Scriptures teach us this very important principle: the first of everything belongs to God.
Tithing, which means we give God the first ten percent of our income, is the primary way we acknowledge that God is first in our lives.
The word “tithe” literally means “tenth” or 10%. Tithing isn’t merely giving something to God. It’s giving back what was His to begin with. All that we have, or hope to have, comes from Him.
The Scriptures teach us that tithing is a reminder that God is the supplier of everything. The Bible challenges us to put God first in our lives everyday. (See Proverbs 3:9, 10; Matthew 6:33).
Give Online
Give instantly or schedule a recurring gift.
Need to make changes or download statements? Manage your giving account online.
Other Ways to Give
Financial Accountability
Awakening publishes annual financial reports to show how donated funds are used. We provide these reports for accountability to those who support our ministries.
For questions about these reports or giving, please contact us at [email protected].