From Giving Tree to Giving Fund
At Awakening, we believe Del Mar High School is not just a place to gather but a people to love. Over the years, we have held an Annual Del Mar Giving Tree during the holidays, where we collected gift cards and financial donations to meet the needs of the students and their families.
However, following an assessment with the Del Mar faculty, their needs have changed. They request that we maximize our donations towards the more critical needs of identified families experiencing significant crises centered on housing, transportation, and food insecurity.
Therefore, instead of gift cards, we are asking for financial donations above your normal giving. This will allow us to provide ample resources for significant needs carefully identified by the faculty and administration. This approach not only allows us to meet critical needs throughout the school year but also binds us into a deeper, more caring relationship with each family and school representative.
How to Give
The Del Mar Giving Fund will be available from November 10th – December 15th.
Donations may be made by selecting the “Special Projects – Del Mar Fund,” with up to $30,000 dedicated to the Del Mar Giving Fund. All donations outside of this period or in excess of $30,000 during this time period are allocated to the Unrestricted General Fund and will be used as approved by the Leadership Council.
We are so excited for this new partnership chapter with Del Mar and eager to respond to their request!
Click the button below to give today!