Kids ministry
9:30 & 11:15am Sunday mornings
Awakening kids to the wonder of jesus
and the truth of God’s word

Introducing…Awakening Moms! We can’t wait for you to continue to be part of this beautiful community of moms as we seek what God has for the moms of our church.
Early Childhood
Our heart is for kids to experience God at a young age. We believe that God loves them and Jesus wants to be their friend, and our goal is to share these truths with them as they develop from babies to preschoolers to build a foundation for the rest of their lives.
As kids journey through elementary school, our heart is for kids to know Jesus, to learn the truth of the Bible and how they fit in God’s great story. We believe that kids can know God’s character, have a relationship with Him, and begin to live as an imitator of Jesus.

First Steps
Kids Check In
Your first stop when you arrive is the kids check in area. We want to serve you and your child well, so we’ll take some time to get to know you. We’ll ask about allergies, make sure we know what your child likes to be called, and collect your contact information.
Each time you check in, you will receive three stickers: one for your child’s shirt, one for the classroom, and one with a matching code for you. This sticker is what you’ll use to pick up your child after church.
Drop Off
We’ll show you where your child’s classroom is, and introduce you to their teacher.
If for any reason we need to reach you during the gathering, you’ll receive a text to the phone number you provided at check in.
At the end of service, you will pick your child up using the sticker provided at check in.

Serve with Kids
Interested in serving with our kids team?