[wpcol_1half id=”” class=”” style=””]Presented this week by Jay Kim from his Sink or Swim series. Contact Jay at [email protected].[/wpcol_1half] [wpcol_1half_end id=”” class=”” style=””]
Last week’s recap:
- What looks like courage in the end always begins as conviction at the start.
- We can thrive in the dangerous middle of God’s will with the conviction that God is for us & with us.
- God’s will calls us to do more than just make a point. God’s will calls us to make a difference.
- In the dangerous middle of God’s will, our appetite for fairness is replaced by a hunger for grace, compassion & love.
By Fire & In a Whisper
1 Kings 18-19
God by Fire [1 Kings 18:24]
In the dangerous middle of God’s will,
remember that only God can do what no one else can.
Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire.
– Catherine of Siena
God in a Whisper [1 Kings 19:11-13]
In the dangerous middle of God’s will,
let go of expectations and simply listen for his voice.
God speaks as we need him, not as we want him.
In the silence of the heart God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. Souls of prayer are souls of great silence.
– Mother Teresa