Two weeks ago, my friend, Sarah, told me that she and her husband were expecting a baby that was due to be born in the middle of June. Today, she sent a group of us an email saying she went to the doctor yesterday and the baby did not have a heartbeat. My heart dropped when I read those words and tears immediately came to my eyes. After telling us that the baby had died, she closed the email with this, “We are sad but know that the Lord always glorifies His name in a way that brings Him the most glory. The Lord gives, and He takes away, blessed be the name of the Lord!!!!”
While I am sure that Sarah is experiencing pain and sorrow, she recognizes the Truth. In Colossians 3:1 and 2, Paul says, “…set your hearts on things above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things.” When we get wrapped up in our own problems it is easy to lose our perspective. I do not know about you, but I go through periods of time where I am so focused on me – my schedule, my problems, my Bible study, my friends, my family, my bills, my (fill in the blank) – that I lose my perspective on what my purpose is in this life. When I do not set my heart and mind on Jesus and I just look at each day as one filled with responsibilities that I HAVE to do, I am not experiencing the abundant life that God offers through Jesus. (John 10:10)
This life is a gift, people! When you wake up in the morning, give God the honor and praise for giving you a body that works! If these are just words to you, and they do not excite you, then I hope you take some time today and check where your heart is at. When is the last time that you sat with God for more than 5 minutes without asking Him for anything, but rather thanked Him for who He is and/or listened to what He had to say to you? When is the last time that you set your heart on things above in the midst of something that could be painful, like my friend, Sarah? Do not get me wrong, God created us to experience emotion and it is not wrong to be sad or experience suffering. But when we go through those times, we need to stay grounded in the Truth of His Word and who He is. In my experience, when I get lazy in my relationship in the Lord and I am not disciplined in the Word or in spending time with Him, life is boring and things get blown out of proportion. I am not trying to make you feel guilty for not spending time with God; rather, I am trying to remind you that this life that the Lord gives us each day is a GIFT. And each day that we get to experience a relationship with the Almighty, Eternal, Faithful, Loving Creator is a day worth living. Go live it!
Extra reading:
(It’s only 4 chapters long. Be encouraged!)
Author: Whitney Elliott