Taste and See that the Lord is Good

A couple weeks ago, we had a few guys from Awakening who had recently gotten back from a missions trip in Pakistan share about their experience.  Unfortunately, it wasn’t recorded as a Podcast like the rest of our sermons (located here), so we asked them to write a summary for us to post on the blog!  The following summary/exhortation is written by Gavin Duffy, one of the guys from the trip.

About six months ago Pakistan received more rain than it had in 80 years. The Indus River runs the length of country and swelled well beyond its banks, breaking dams in several places. Still recovering from a devastating earthquake in 2005, millions of Pakistanis were forced to evacuate in order to escape the rushing water. Most of their homes were made of bricks and mud, and did not stand a chance against the flood waters. The country was unprepared to handle a disaster of this magnitude, and outside help was the only chance of recovery. Several Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) and full-time missionaries turned their attention to caring for those affected by the floods.

Last month, a handful of us* from Awakening had the opportunity to help some of the missionaries by overseeing the reconstruction of a small farming village in the Sindh province of Pakistan (check it out). By the grace of God, all of three of us were given time off work, received nearly $20,000.00 for the project, and shared Christ’s love out in the village. Despite roads being closed, brick kilns sitting under water, a politically unstable climate, and virtually no experience, 20 homes were raised to roof level by the time we left the country, and just enough money remained to purchase roof kits and pay for labor after our return home!

It is incredible to see what God can do when we just say, “OK.” God’s presence in our story is undeniable from start to finish. All of the logistics, safety, ability to build relationships and share our beliefs, and actually finish the project were all far beyond our control. Do you truly believe that He has a plan? A perfect one? “Taste and see that the Lord is good…” – Psalm 34.8